Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sancti Spiritus and Santa Clara

From Trinidad we drove to Sancti Spiritus for a tour of the city including a local food market.

Then on to Santa Clara to see Che Guevara's mausoleum and the replica Armoured Train (Che and his gang derailed a train full of Batista soldiers).  Che was Argentinian by birth but very much involved with the 1959 Cuban Revolution.  He joined Castro's post revolution government but after a couple of years went off to join insurgents fighting in the Congo before moving to Bolivia where he was killed by the CIA.  The exhibition of his life at the mausoleum had some outstanding photographs and I found it really fascinating just how aware he was of the camera at all times (even whilst seemingly in the middle of a battle field).  Another very charismatic man, much revered by Cubans to this day.